Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gettin' Chic in Seattle - A Review of the Chic Retreat

Let me start off this review of the Chic Retreat by saying this: it never rained one day in Seattle while we were there May 1-4. Not. One. Drop. But the gorgeous weather was just the cherry on top of what was an amazing experience.

The Chic Retreat was four amazing days of speakers, shooting and swag. Four days of critiques, camaraderie and creativity. Four days filled with lots of laughs, new friends and unforgettable memories.

I'd never been to a photography retreat or workshop before. I'd taken some workshops online and I can tell you, some are much better than others. And while I love online learning, I was looking for a more hands-on experience. I know women who have been to other workshops and I'd even considered going (Seniorologie, Folio Love, Savvy Workshop, etc.), but there was something about the Chic Retreat that finally made me pull the trigger and say, "I'm gonna do this!" Well, maybe it was two somethings.

First, I'd already had a great experience with the Chic Critique Forum. I'd done a Celebrity Critique with YAN of YANphotography and it was awesome. Second, I love Seattle. One of my best friends lives there and I hadn't been there in years. So, with these things in mind, I convinced a fellow photographer to go with me.

Kelli France, the woman behind both the Forum and the Retreat, also did an amazing job of describing what would happen and what we could expect. A few words I remember distinctly were "limo," "the best catered breakfast ever," and something about speakers. Sorry, I digress. Of course, it had everything to do with the speakers. Leaders in the industry and experts in Photoshop, off camera flash (OCF), styling, marketing, branding and client relations. Where else would you find all of that knowledge in one place?

So not only these amazing women give presentations, most of them also styled shoots for us so we had at least six opportunities to put some of what we'd learned into practice immediately. Not to mention the shoots were in cool locations with beautiful people dressed really well. (Just like every shoot WE do at home, right? NOT!) Here are a few of my favorite pictures from those shoots.

"Boho Seniors" styled by the lovely Leah Remillet

 "Adorable Sisters" styled by the oh-so-fabulous Laura Winslow

 "Lovely Couple" styled by the incredible Jean Smith who also showed us first hand how to add OCF in bright sunlight. Genius!

So not only to get to learn from, shoot with and mingle with these incredible ladies, they also fed us delicious meals, took us on limo rides, handed us swag everyday and held giveaways throughout the entire Retreat. Oh, and did I mention we got head shots taken? Well, we did. And I looked amazing. (At least I think I did; I haven't seen them yet...)

At this point you're probably thinking, "Was there ANYTHING bad about the Chic Retreat?" The honest answer is, yes, they have a few minor kinks to get out but nothing that can't be easily fixed for next year. The fact that this was their first Chic Retreat and they pulled it off almost flawlessly says a lot about the time and effort that went into it. My one "complaint" if you can even call it that was there were too many of us shooting at the same time and we kept getting in each others' way. But again, that's easily fixed with smaller groups. (I filled out the feedback form, don't worry.)

I think the key to attending any workshop or retreat is know what you're getting into. To set your expectations while keeping and open-mind and realizing that you're only going to get out of it what you put into it. Making a monetary investment is just the first step. Embracing to the experience is the next one. So do your research, ask your questions and get some honest opinions on any workshop or retreat you're thinking of spending money on. Because what I heard from other women at the Chic Retreat was that not all workshops are the same and this one was pretty darn good.

And because what I've written probably doesn't do it justice, here's an awesome video of the Chic Retreat, shot and edited by Megan Marlene Photography.

Megan Evans is the artist behind the lens at Megan Evan's Photography!  She's won numerous challenge's here at LPB and all over the web.  And we are so lucky to have her as a regular guest conributor!  

1 comment:

  1. Loved this review, Megan! Thank you for the great feedback and all the kind words- we loved having you a part of the retreat!
