Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Style Photographs Beautifully-What to Wear to a Session

Happy Wednesday! First, you may notice that we've officially named these Wednesday wardrobe posts to Style Photographs Beautifully. I can't tell you how excited I am to be contributing to this awesome blog!

And now onto the post...

This one's for the photographers, not the clients! As an active member in several photography groups and forums, I often hear the question "what do you wear to your sessions?" Good question! I guess it all depends on what you're shooting--what you wear to cover a wedding is going to differ from what you wear to a portrait session. Whatever you wear, you want to make a good first impression and represent your brand! If you are a photographer who offers a high end, custom experience for your clients, you probably don't want to show up to your sessions in faded yoga pants and a dingy tank top. If you are trying to sell your product and brand, look the part! If you are calling yourself a "professional", look professional! For instance, I aim to provide a custom experience for my clients from start to finish. I do everything in person-from my planning session to my sales session. I sell high end products from the best labs and make sure my clients are happy with their end products. So it only makes sense that I would show pride in myself when showing up to a session. Now do I occasionally wear a pair of yoga pants with a layered tank top/t shirt and sneakers? Yes I do. This is for sessions that are out in the woods or wet grassy areas where I'll be crawling around or laying on the ground. However, i've already met my clients at the planning session where I was dressed to represent myself and my brand.

Now for some finer details! For actual photo sessions, a lot of photographers tend to wear white shirts a lot. Why you ask? For starters, it's an awesome natural reflector (and it disguises any sweat that may accumulate during your session--what? you know you sweat...especially if you live in a tropical climate like I do!). And it's versatile--you can pair it with anything! A long comfy skirt (I wouldn't recommend shorter skirts unless you don't do a lot of bending, crawling, laying on the ground etc), jeans, colored skinny jeans etc. If you've got somewhere to go after your session you can always dress it up with a scarf or colorful jewelry. Plus, it just looks clean and professional!

Style Photographs Beautifully-5.22.2013

Weddings are a bit different, especially if they are formal ceremonies. Some wedding photographers charge $5,000.00 and beyond for their services. PLEASE go the extra mile to reflect your worth and your work. For weddings, I recommend black, black and white, or gray/gray and white (or cream). Why you ask? You don't want to stand out too much and you want to keep it professional at the same time. Please don't show up in all white (leave that to the bride!). And don't forget the shoes! You will be on your feet At the end of any wedding i've shot, my feet were killing me! I recommend the following:

  • For more casual weddings, wear some comfortable ballet flats or sandals. Aerosoles makes some cute shoes and they are very comfortable! Wedges are also very stylish right now, and they add a little more fashion flair without sacrificing comfort. The ones pictured are also by Aerosoles. 
  • For more formal weddings, wear a smaller heel or comfortable wedge and bring some comfortable ballet flats to change into later for the reception. 

Style Photographs Beautifully

H M sleeveless dress
$23 -

Dana buchman

J Crew j crew scarve

I hope this post was helpful to all of you fabulous photographers out there! The ladies here at Love Photographs Beautifully want to see what YOU wear to your photoshoots! Snap a photo of yourself and post it to our wall and tell us why you wear what you wear...we'd love to hear your tips! 


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